Sarah Fry |


Daniel Cheng



Current Teacher

Charles Ponall

High School

West Chester East High School

College / Major

University of Pittsburgh / Computer Science

If you’re not majoring in music, what role might music play during your college years?

I plan on minoring in music and joining the University of Pittsburgh Symphony. I also plan to continue learning how to produce music, compose, and song-write.

How long have you been a member of the PYO Music Institute and in which ensembles did you participate?

I have been in PYO for two years.

Do you have any plans or activities planned for over the summer?

I’m going to Hawaii!

What is one of your favorite PYOMI memories?

My favorite memory is definitely the 2022 PYO Union League Gala! It was my first year in PYO, and I had such an amazing time spending the night making music with my friends. I distinctly remember how awestruck I was walking into the Union League. It was so much fun exploring the halls and taking pictures. The desserts were awesome too.

What are your most recent musical and/or academic achievements?

I recently won the WCASD Spellman Humanitarian Award for my work in community service, and I became a National Merit Finalist. I was also concertmaster for the PMEA Region 6 Orchestra Festival.

What are some of your favorite pieces of music that you have performed with PYO?

The Planets by Gustav Holst and Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 4

When you are not in rehearsal or practicing your instrument, what other activities or hobbies do you enjoy?

I love to do digital art and design, music composition, song writing, programming, building circuits, cooking, and writing!

What is one unique attribute about you that people find surprising?

I love to listen to and sing 50s and 60s music.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? What do you see yourself doing?

I hope to be finishing my Ph.D. in Robotics!