Philadelphia Youth Concert Band - PYO Music Institute
Dr. Harley Givler, Director & Conductor
Auditions Summer Wind, Brass, Percussion Session Upcoming Performances View Gallery

The Philadelphia Youth Concert Band (PYCB) provides committed, developing instrumental music students access to a high-performing concert band experience. The focus is on cultivating individual musicianship and playing technique within the context of a large ensemble. Through weekly rehearsals and regular sectionals, PYCB provides the opportunity to work side-by-side with highly experienced conductors, musicians, and teachers; to rehearse leveled wind band repertoire; and to perform in high-profile professional venues throughout the greater Philadelphia region. 

Philadelphia Youth Concert Band auditions are open to student woodwind, brass, percussion, piano, and double bass players. The Philadelphia Youth Concert Band (PYCB) accepts students ages 10 through 16.

Philadelphia Youth Concert Band rehearsals take place on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., mid-September through mid-May, at The Shipley School, Piltch Commons, 814 Yarrow Street, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010.

Philadelphia Youth Concert Band offers: 

  • Instrumental music training for developing wind, brass, and percussion students with an emphasis on the development of musicianship and large-ensemble performance skills. 
  • Individualized instrument specific training through regular sectionals with expert teachers and musicians in the ensemble rehearsal context. 
  • Access to leveled wind band literature through rehearsal and performance. 
  • Opportunities for students to showcase their collective talents at professional concert venues such as The Kimmel Cultural Campus, one of the world’s great concert venues and the home of The Philadelphia Orchestra. 
  • Access to supplemental resources through the PYO Music Institute, including: Introduction to Conducting classes, access to the Institute’s Student Resource Center & Library, and College and Conservatory Audition Preparation classes. 
  • A platform for students to learn about pathways to careers in the music industry outside of teaching and performing. 
  • Collaborative learning opportunities with students in other program divisions of the Institute. 
  • An investment in each student’s future through development of diligence, responsibility, and personal commitment to excellence — all lessons that have lasting impact on a student’s character and future success. 
2024 – 2025 Season Repertoire

To Be Announced